What makes up an

Wondering what makes an audio system "high end". Is it name brand, price paid or simply what your ears discern as quality? In the current issue of TAS several budget systems are also described as "high end". Most of the components in these "budget high end" systems looked very enticing to me. What do you think?
Thanks MrT, you position has become perfectly clear.

Hi Dgarretson,
Thanks, that was interesting, I didn't know MK was still alive. I used to know Lyric in the old days. Mike Kay, as I recall, was an impressive personality, outspoken, tough and shrewed in business but always helpful if he felt that you were sincere...and he was a true music lover.

Hi Newbee,
Your analysis was again right on the dot. You live and learn.
Dr Floyd Toole during his NRC days found three things were important to listeners (they performed rigorous tests). Wide Dispersion, flat frequency response and low distortion. I'd propose that this is a basic requirement but there is a lot of cheap stuff that does this well at low volumes. (For example...even Audioengine A5's sound pretty good!)

So perhaps "high-end" is mostly distinguished by the fact that a "high end" system will do these three things well at realistic live music SPL levels. Just two cents...
I always thought of it as hi-resolution. Problem is when hi resolution gets in the way of the music. Then is it still hi-end?
Also a matter of opinion and comparisons. What were hi-end speakers in the 60's would be mid-fi at best today.
I agree with Albert, and I disagree with Sounds real audio. To each his own.