How can we settle for digital?

My friend, a recording engineer, once made a remark when I told him I had spent $3000 on a CD player. He said "How far can you polish a turd?" Those I know in the music business all agree that digital can only go so far. Vinyl is certainly making a comeback, but the advent of new digital formats seems to perpetuate new hope on the part of audiophiles. Do you buy it? Or are you sticking with your records? Or will you stand up for your $3000+ CDP? Is it just polishing a turd?
Chashmal, I will have to stand up for my $3000+CDP. It usually comes as close to analog, and at times, clearly better than my analog set up. I enjoy both.

Digital is not just polishing a turd. I don't blame you though. I have auditioned many 'Ref' digital set ups ( >> $3000 CDP) and while they are marginally better, it would have you conclude that digital is indeed polishing a turd. But there are some low priced CD players and Ref systems (Zanden, AN and Kondo for example, which may be considered 'low tech' by many by current SOA standard) that does stand head above shoulder from the rest of the pack.
Disclaimer: I have not heard the newer offerings from Playback Design and Lector
Nilthepill: can you be more specific about which 'ref' units you like? Have you heard the Esoteric, EMM, or Wadia? I am curious what your impressions are because I know they have made great strides in the past 2 years.
Audiophile dude, I am only going by what I have read.
Obviously I can't say whether a particular cd will last 1million plays because they to have a difference in material quality (apparently) and also a million x 60minutes means I will be at least 70!
3000 album plays with a metal stylus on plastic without degradation of sound does seem a tad unlikely, but I will take your word for it because I will never play the same album that many times even if I pull out my museum piece LP12, dust it down and start turning that starting
My hi-fi Reviewer acquaintance says the Arcam 192 is a good a cd players at 3x the cost.
Keep up with the 'swifter' every time you play your albums!
Humor chaps, nothing serious.
"....can you be more specific about which 'ref' units you like? Have you heard the Esoteric, EMM, or Wadia? I am curious what your impressions are because I know they have made great strides in the past 2 years."


I love the Zanden 2000 Transport and 5000 sig DAC ( which I also own) combo sound. Simply life like sound- no excuses (like everything else in hi end audio-you could always nit pick though, but won't find too much to complain about) -Complete about turn as compared to 'typ' clean but sterilized hifi like CD sound that you find so often. I also like Audio Note DAC5 sig and the Kondo DAC. To some extent I also like the Metronome Kalista Transport and C2A sign DAC (which I also own and is for sell)

I have auditioned Esoteric one box players and the 03 combo, DCS stack, EMM, Ayre's new ref( model no?), Jadis Ref digital, MBL Ref digital, Wadia's middle line up offerings (not the new ones), Accuphase and found Zanden to be 'diff' but IMHO, ideal and so much like analog sound, at times even better in terms of realism.

Of course I have not auditioned everything out there, but Zanden, TO ME, is simply the best. a well set up Analog rig betters Zanden in many areas but not all. IMHO.