Why do dealers do this?

I'm an old fashioned guy. I like to make my audio purchases from a store and have a person I deal with, establish a relationship, and know that I have someone I can call when I need things. That is why I went into one of the larger stores in my area the other day, ready to audition a couple of things and buy my system. I had a very clear idea of what I wanted, asked to listen to a component with a view to buying it.
The dealer had a completely wrong approach from the start, and it is not a unique situation. I know many good folks in the business are on these forums, so I want to ask why this happens.
From the moment I set foot in the store he created an atmosphere of fairly intense pressure. He started with "you know, I only demo for buying customers". Throughout the visit, I felt continuously pressured to buy on the spot. I was forced to cut my visit short and I was unable to fully appreciate the component I was auditioning. I went from wanting to buy to wanting to run away - who feels comfortable buying something when pressured and rushed to do so right away? So I left the store unsure that I would want to do business with him. Had I had a good experience, and a knowledge that I can go to the store any time and have a good experience rather than have to find a way to "escape" the pressure I would not only have been happy to buy what I wanted, but would have been back often for other purchases. I cannot for the life of me understand where this comes from. One argument I heard is that store owners don't want to have people audition things and then buy online. Well, first off short of refusing to have a show room I don't see how you can make completely sure of that. So, wouldn't making the customer feel comfortable in your store be a better strategy? For me, I now want to shop online rather than go back. And here is one more twist. All online dealers for the product I was looking at make it clear they will not sell to anyone who has a dealer in their area. So I could not buy that online anyway!!
Can anyone enlighten me? Why can I not go to a local store and have that be a pleasant experience any more?
I went to the local Mercedes dealership to test drive the new AMG 63 (@$55k). I pulled up in my 1994 Jeep Cherokee. I was told that that car could not be taken out for a test drive.
Five days later I stopped by again on my way home from the office wearing a suit in my 2008 BMW 535i and asked to test drive the MB AMG 63 and the keys were in my hand in 3 minutes! The ass clown salesman did not even realize that I was the same person he denied 5 days earlier. After driving I refreshed his memory and gave the "judging a book by its cover" speech to him. It probably did no good.

I bought a new M3 BMW instead.
Cajunpepe, in St. Pete. I drove into a Ferrari dealership in a rental Chevy, which I thought I had parked out of view from the show room. All I wanted to see was whether or not I could sit in the spyder, the model now escapes me. You would have thought that I had the plague. Finally, they let me sit in one. I am long waisted and 6'2". Had I bought that car, I would have always risked decapitation.

The guy who showed me to the car, seemed indifferent to my concern, but I realized that I was never to own a Ferrari. Porsches fit me quite well as did older Alfas.
I option to purchase according to need and situation but I also have several outstanding storefront dealers in my area who have no problem not only auditioning specific equipment, but also bringing good deals to my attention. In that case I would probably purchase from them but it has seemed to no way affect the attentions I receive from excellent dealers.

Another situation arose when I recently purchased a TT from a local dealer. He offered me an open box price which matched online prices and re-checked the set up for me for free before leaving.

If I wanted to purchase a DAC or a solid state amp, I would probably buy online based on experience and or recommendations.

Just as I would change the water filters in my home but I would call a plumber to change my water heater, I believe there is a market for both the online sellor and storefront sales. Having said that, those that earn my business receive my business and those that mess with me don't see me again.