High End jargon; your take

I've been around here for a good while now and read these terms frequently. Looked at some of the audio glossaries on the net. I still don't feel I have a good handle on their meaning. What do these terms mean to you?

"Tight" as in "the bass became more tight."

"Hi Fi" as in "it sounds "hi fi" (as opposed to high end)

"Warm" as in "warm bass."

Warm - attenuated, rolled-off highs and emphasized mids. Think warm apple
pie, a t-shirt fresh from the dryer, and Jennifer Connelly's bosom in a
cashmere sweater.

Well said, sir!!!
"Think warm apple
pie, a t-shirt fresh from the dryer, and Jennifer Connelly's bosom in a
cashmere sweater."

Thanks Tvad.

I just realized what it is I really like about this stuff!
ok i will chime in:

hifi=the sound audiophiles like so much or close to inaccurate, as in high fidelity , as opposed to low fidelity. i am a literalist with respect to this term

warm=a slight peak in the upper bass or perhaps lower midrange, combined with a degree of attenuation in the upper midrange/lower treble region.

tight=overly articulated, as in a tight bass which emphasizes the sound of the plucking of the strings, at the expense of the vibration of the wood body.

warm and tight are indicative of a sonic signature, while hifi connotes a presentation which has minimal coloration. it is my impression that hifi is what audiophiles want, as opposed to low fi, which means a loss of resolution and other significant inaccuracies.

i will add the ubiquitous term "air" to the above mentioned, as ithere was a thread on this subject , recently.

as i have frequently stated , i am interested in the sound of instruments--pitch, timbre and harmonics.

some audiophile terms have no relevance to music.

air, in my opinion should only apply to the sound waves created by a musician . the air or space that surrounds an instrument(s) can only be heard indirectly, as part of the accoustics of the hall.

i'll stop now before i am accused of pedantry and being overly didactic.
Entrope, "Tight = several drinks into the evening"

Personally, my goal is that she would be loose at that point.

We agree on warm, which my aim is to go hand in hand with loose.