High End jargon; your take

I've been around here for a good while now and read these terms frequently. Looked at some of the audio glossaries on the net. I still don't feel I have a good handle on their meaning. What do these terms mean to you?

"Tight" as in "the bass became more tight."

"Hi Fi" as in "it sounds "hi fi" (as opposed to high end)

"Warm" as in "warm bass."

I agree with the above comments, even if my own personal opinion is that the Q scale is skewed a bit low for my tastes. I realize these are the historical numbers, but I feel a value of 0.5 is beyond ascetic. Then again, there are a lot of guys who think the younger Kate Moss was the ideal, so who am I to say? Going against the traditional figures of 0.7 being ideal and 1.0 being on the voluptuous side, I feel 1.0 is pretty close to reality, the right balance of all parameters.
Now we are getting somwhere!

...somewhere between Grace Jones and Alison Moyet possibly?
The last best response was Blindjim. I had tears in my eyes. After that I couldn't make it through those serious responses. I'm still waiting for someone to take the "blanket" off my speakers!!
Thanks for the "serious" responses. Some of you others are a hoot. The mention before of "musical" as a descriptor for gear reminds me how ridiculous that is.

But the uncertainty and subjectivity doesn’t stop there, for many others remain in ordinary use, some being offered up as editorial staples .

Such as…

PRAT = PACE, RHYTHM AND TIMING ... isn't that what the performers are supposed to have going for them already? How is sound reproduced without these elements…. Unless you have your thumb on the LP as it spins.

Use only the denotative definition, even in context, and many descriptions become laughable rather than laudable… and the connotative usage, still in context, remains ambiguous pointing towards yet more vagary.

The truly funny thing, is the use of these and so many other terms are so widespread and accepted without much afterthought. As if we all have the same degree of ‘Sweet’ attached to that word or to any of the others.

In lieu of this, the attempts to reveal the essence of what has been divined continues to be entertaining, yet provides only a general sense of a thing and not it’s thumbprint. Consequently the most important epithet around these parts will eternally be:
….or the “Try it for yourself”, suggestion which is the declarative test dispelling further speculation, with logistics and finances, being for so many, the true bars to this insightful event.

Perhaps, following the next glowing ‘redress’ of some vaunted high end appliance, the editorialist will then define that description by degrees. lol