Predicting the AGon economy?

What are your thoughts on how the high-end audio market will fare given the current state of the economy?

We're not exactly your typical demographic when it comes to being hit by a recession. I know people who would sell their bed before downgrading their rig. On the other hand, most sales on this site (ostensibly) are the result of upgrading which is probably reduced at this point. So with both supply and demand going down, I haven't really seen very many price fluctuations.

I'm no expert on economics, but it seems that even this market should have an optimal time to buy. Anyone have any thoughts on this? I haven't been able to figure this one out.
Good comments by all. I'll add that prices for collectable and specially desirable/rare pieces tend to be driven significantly by overseas buyers. The much weaker dollar, compared to a few years ago, has therefore probably helped support prices for these pieces.

With the dollar rebounding somewhat recently, and the economic downturn seemingly spreading pretty much world-wide, I suspect that before too long we'll be seeing prices for these pieces coming down also.

-- Al
High end Audio seems to be like the Beer and Wine markets… recession resistant, but not recession proof.

By and large, my take on sales, postings and pricing especially, seems overvalued by those newer entrants to this website. Those with more time here and or exp. Are generally more sane with their asking prices.

Initially I wanted to go HT with all separates. Uh… that didn’t work for me. Too much $$$. IMO Most likely due to my devotion to 2 ch being my priority instead. Receivers with outboard amps is the ticket there for my uses of HT. I don’t go off on higher priced cabling for it either. It’s modest thru and thru yet remains involving and fun. That’s good enough for me. One more 3 ch or a very good 2 ch SS amp for it, and I’m done there…. Save for adding in a 1080 FPJ and trickling down my 720p to the BR rig. Maybe.


I suspect with ongoing listings everything may get a bit of a squeeze for a while. Mainly while some decide or discern their own situations…. Be it to continue onwards and upwards? Or downsize.

Seen the numbers of the unemployed lately?

Priorities are changing. Top to bottom. Many have been and are about to be affected.

A change in priorities in a recessionary era restricts spending… again, top to bottom. Inventories are restricted and availability decreases accordingly. Production is scaled down too. It all makes good sense as well.

Doubtless few of our ‘cottage industries at their finest’ will suffer some, but given many are but fueled by a minimum number of people, they will continue… just at a lesser pace.

Prices should as well become more attractive as the motivation, eventually, increases by need. Some too may just be trying to move out non prioritized pieces… superfluous items at a premium, as speculation and not by motivated needs.

Personally, I feel it more as a social mind set than anything else. An precautionary atmosphere perhaps. It is pervasive and affective to degrees which account to their own financial and security levels. Recessions are marketing and emotional depressants too. Recovery from them requires changes, both temporal and long lasting at times.

Another year, two or so, all will be less bumpy. Three tops.

It may be for the best in the end, if this period enables folks to become more attached to values in life rather than to mere indiscriminate costs and previous discretionary spending habits.

If nothing else, paitience will get experienced by many, like it or not.
It may be for the best in the end, if this period enables folks to become more attached to values in life rather than to mere indiscriminate costs and previous discretionary spending habits.

Well said!

-- Al
I am glad I saw this post. I thought I was the only one who thought many of the recent sellers were a bit . . . well. . . "optimistic" (to be politically correct) or more likely down right outta touch with reality (if not). I've even seen a number of people selling used stuff and asking FULL RETAIL!!

While people are certainly free to ask whatever they want for their gear and look for a PT Barnum type, I've been tempted to post a smart-ass response to a few of these sellers and say "Sure, I'll take your used piece of gear and pay MORE than if I bought it new with a warranty from a decent dealer!! In fact, sign me right up for two of those bad boys!" Ah, but then I realize the poor chap will think I am the crazy one so I just laugh, shake my head and go on my merry way.

I have sold a few things lately and they did sell, but I also asked well below 50% of retail and they were in great shape. Who knew I could have gotten 90-100% of retail? When will I learn?
I recently put up a few items, all at or near the bottom of the Audiogon price range. Most have sold pretty quickly. Two interesting incidents.
1. I accepted an offer (through the Audiogon system) and got the piece wrapped up to ship off. The fellow gave me his Fedex number to charge. When I emailed him for payment through paypal, he emailed back that his company (Nortel) just declared bankruptcy that day. He wanted to see whather he could back out. I didn't have a back up buyer, so he kept to the deal and paid.
2. I accepted another offer through the Audiogon system. However the buyer has not responded to several emails over the past three days. The problem is that the Audiogon system automatically marks the item as SOLD once the offer is accepted. So right now I am stuck - no replies from the buyer in three days and the item is marked SOLD, so no one else will buy it. Is this part of the new AGon economy/