You're probably listening too loud

After many years of being a professional musician and spending hundreds of hours in the recording studios on both sides of the glass, I believe that most listeners undermine the pleasure of the listening experience by listening too loud and deadening their ears.

As a resident of NYC, there are a million things here that make the ears shut down, just the way pupils close up in bright light. People screaming, trucks, subways, city noise. Your ears keep closing up. Then you go home and try to listen on the hifi, but your ears are still f'kd up to get to the point. Try this experiment.

Hopefully, you can all have some degree of quiet when you can sit down and listen. Start with a record or CD of acoustic music with some inner detail and tonality. I like to use the Naim CD with Forcione and Hayden, or the piano/bass CD with Taylor/Hayden. Just simple, relaxing music. Real instruments doin' real things.

Start by sitting back and leaving the volume just a little lower than you find comfortable. Just like you want to turn it up a bit, but leave it down. Sit back and relax. I would bet that in 7-10 minutes, that "too low" volume is going to sound much louder. That's because you're ears have opened up. Now, without changing anything, that same volume is going to sound right. Step out of the room for a second, but don't talk with anybody. Just go get a glass of water and come back - now, that same volume is going to sound louder than you thought.

Sit back down and listen for a minute or two - now, just the slightest nudge of the volume control upwards will make the sound come alive - the bass will be fuller and the rest of the spectrum will be more detailed and vibrant.

Try it - every professional recording engineer knows that loud listening destroys the subtleties in your hearing. Plus, lower volumes mean no or less amplifier clipping, drivers driven within their limits and ears that are open to receive what the music has to offer.

Most of all - have fun.
The argument that people play their music too loud is flawed. If you were to measure SPLs in a small venue of unamplified musicians, say a jazz or folk group, you might be surprised at how high the peak levels, not the average, are. Similarly, a full orchestra can reach very high levels on some works. Even a string quartet can be quite loud. Ever sit twenty feet from a guy wailing away on his drum kit?

Maybe what's really happening is people are listening to distortion that's too loud. Odd order distortion gives false loudness cues. Remove it and you can listen at higher levels without realizing it.

Many loudspeakers are designed for an even tonal balance around 85 dB or slightly less. Speakers that don't lose detail and significantly vary in frequency response relative to the Fletcher-Munson law at different levels can avoid such limitations.
Essentialaudio has just made a good point.
I should have said "realistic" not "high" and it it is silly to suppose anyone in his right mind would expose him or herself to constant aural exposure of over 95dbs in his own home. It were peaks I had in mind and a good system will take those easily without distortion at well over 100db level. Generally those peaks don't last long of course and ear damage will not occur under such circumstances. I have big orchestral music in mind here, not listening to hard rock at "realistic" levels, which by their very nature carry distortion to sound "right".
sound pressure level is a measure of stimulus intensity.

there is support in the journals for an optimal level of stimulus intensity and complexity. the optimal level for an individual is related to personality factors and the physiology of one's nervous system.

thus, it should be no surprise that the population of music listeners will contain varying comfort levels for maximum spls.

it has nothing to do with realistic levels and everything to do with personal taste.

i find anything above 85 db as unpleasant, regardless of the performance of a stereo system. when i go to audio meetings, i usually tell the host to lower the volume.

comfort before realism makes sense.
OK MrT, instead of "realistic", I should have said "real life as in a given concert hall"-levels and for the rest you are stating the obvious. If you find 85db plus unpleasant, well that is your personal thing, you must however allow the thought that you either shun concert halls as places of suffering or have no real clue of what a good stereo system in the right room could sound like and again - just for the finicky and anal -I am talking peaks. That our personal tastes vary, that we should enjoy what we like and that our likes and dislikes are shaped accordingly is so obvious that you seem to me beating that dead donkey here again for the umtieth time and that is what I find a tad irksome, because, although repeated again and again by you, it teaches nothing new.