is audiogon good for the audio industry or bad?

I am not a dealer so my input is only based on my limited actions...but, since I discovered audiogon and became a member and active user, I have raised thousands of dollars by selling equipment that had been stored in my basement because "trade-in values" are so low that I would have rather stored this equipment just in-case I one day needed it. I then re-invested those dollars, plus other dollars and then sold equipment that I was planning on living with and invested those dollars as well to basically upgrade 1/2 my system which I had no imminent plans to do prior to AG. The result is that I have now spent thousands and thousands on equipment over the last 6-months which I would not have done without AG. Absolute Sound drives me into retailers and listening rooms, helps educate me and helps create my wish list, but, AG helps me make it a reality. The result is that I spend far more $$ on equipment...which by the way, drives me to buy absurd amounts of source material through acousticsounds, etc...
As much as I love Audiogon and the Internet for providing me Information on products. I still miss the days of old when you could visit stores and audition the equipment for yourself.
Seems to me anything that gets a customer into a retail shop should be a good thing. The problem with high end is that if you are an audiophile on a budget, most stores suck. We are just too picky and want to be able to test drive things in our own homes. Are we supposed to go into a store, listen to a product for 15 minutes on unfamiliar equipment and then plop down $4,000 on a whatever just because we didn't want to waste a salespersons time. We all have a certain something we are looking for in sound. At least here on audiogon if you do your shopping right you wont lose more than a few shekels when you buy a product that doesn't quite fit you. I purchase and sell here on audiogon because most of us here are like minded. Most retail stores are not in business to please audiophiles.
Well said Scpetscott. I've been to more than a few hi end stores and have been very disappointed with the service and most of all the sound. In fact I've never went to a store and heard something and though I've got to have that. Not to mention at least half of the time I've felt there was a real snobby attitude to go along with it. Personally the advice and knowledge I get from experienced and devoted audiophiles on this site means far more to many than any visit to a dealer. If I am interested in a product I would almost be afraid to go hear it at a dealer since I don't expect to get a real impression of it and what it will sound like in my system. The only reason I would go into a dealer now would be to see what a speaker looks like in real life. I wouldn't even ask to hear it. And I do agree that it is not cool at all to go waste a dealers time when you have no intention of buying.
Some of the comments on 'need to support the b&m' crowd remind me of BO's refrain 'that it is your patriotic duty to pay more taxes'. I wish there was a 'used' government I could purchase at half price, like most of the audio equipment I have purchased used, some from B&M dealers. Just as a new car is the worst economic way to purchase a car, so is the new piece of audio equipment. Wait, let it go into the 'used' market. I don't feel bad about behaving the way I do, just like the used car market supports the new car market, in audio it is no different. I do test drive new cars to get the feel of what I could like to buy used. As the car leasing business has proven, bargains are there for those that wait. So, continue to 'kick the tires' at your local audio dealer, you are doing his customers a favor. Just tell the dealer you are waiting for a 'certified, pre owned unit'.
the ability to unload used equipment and upgrade I believe is good in the long run. I have upgraded to new equipment that i could not have bought without getting reasonable dollars for my used equipment the result that i keep trading and more trades mean more purchases and more expensive at that. On the flip side, yes, the folks buying from me are buying used, not new...but that doesnt mean all of their equipment is used and they too may trade and upgrade and purchase new equipment down the road. more trades are good for the business.