ruined a phillips screw, any inspired solution?

Not strictly audio but related and a real mess. I wanted to open up the cabinet of a cdp to change a tube inside which involved removing 6 small phillips screws with a recessed head,... and of course, there is always one that pretends to be sword Excalibur. Sadly, after I had attacked it with every imaginable screwdriver, I noticed that I had literally milled out the head. So I now have an unbudgeable screw with a perfectly round cavity on the head sitting on a rather sensitive piece of gear (the plate I have to remove holds most of the electronic circuitry, the cd drive and the tube, go figure). Anyone faced a similar conundrum and solved it?
Thanks for not laughing 8^(
Actually, we tried a number of gentler and more understanding (towards the screw) options. Turned out my initial reference to Excalibur was spot on, and so we HATH to destroy the sword with extreme and utter violence and the stone that held it with it, curse their remains! In retrospect, I'm very glad the genius - which I do indeed consider him to be, just you wait till his new pre-amp hits the market - did exacly that, and substituted some of the Best Screws and Bolts in the World for the original junk. (But are they audiophile, the tweaker in us might ask, now that would make a nice little thread.)
You may have been gentle and understanding, but the poor screw knew it was doomed to meet…well, as you said yourself, extreme and utter violence. Just what do you think Nancy Pelosi would say about that? Karelfd, your friend may truly be a genius, but if he doesn’t change his tactics, he’s likely to end up before a senate committee. It may already be too late…
This weekend, I used a cutoff wheel on a Dremel tool to remove 2 stuck heads on a Soundcrafstmen I was modding. But you can also use a Dremel cutoff wheel to cut a new 'flat head slot' in the bad screw and remove it that way. Obviously, this has the high risk of marring the cabinet.

04-28-09: Eldartford
How many audiophiles does it take to remove a screw?

We first need to know if the screw has been previously cryo'ed. ;)
Yup,A Dremel with a cutoff wheel is just about next to a small jackhammer on a stamped sheet metal case.This is fun,any chain saw stories I wonder?No Mothers of Invention in this crew apparently but the night is young and alcohol is cheap here in the 20th Century.YMMV,cheers,Bob