Equipment failure with Dakiom tweaks?

Has anyone experienced an equipment failure while using the tweaks from Dakiom?
Not here- I have them on my cd player, power amps & speakers.
I cannot explain exactly what they do, but they do make a positive difference in the sound.
My brother says that the sound is clearer & more refined with more detail.
I agree with your brother, as I've experienced a sonic improvement with them.
I just added a Cambridge DacMagic into my system, and when I contacted Cambridge to make sure there wasn't a compatibility issue, it was strongly suggested to me that I do not use them with the DAC.
I *didn't* check on my MSB Full Nelson dac which went belly up after months of trouble free use, with the tweak installed. So, causality is hard to know.
Of course, I'm somewhat concerned about the rest of my equipment which has been tweaked.....
My experience is the same as Paladin; with both solid state and tubes I heard a noticeable improvement and there have been no operational issues or failures with the Dakiom s in the system.