Equipment failure with Dakiom tweaks?

Has anyone experienced an equipment failure while using the tweaks from Dakiom?
My experience is the same as Paladin; with both solid state and tubes I heard a noticeable improvement and there have been no operational issues or failures with the Dakiom s in the system.
My experience with Dakiom has been for the most part very negative. I have experimented with the 273s and have found the following:

* Using it with Rowland gear 501s/Capri is a big mistake
as it produced a huge buzz the moment the equipment was
turned on.

* Using it with Rotel componets in our second home was OK
until I replaced it with an Audio Magic interconnect and
the system improved dramatically.

* Unhappy with the 273s I tried to return them but was
refused even though the Dakiom website clearly says that
they are guaranteed.

* The only use I have found for them is in connecting an
Sony HD Tuner to our main system. The Sony HD unit was
purchased for under a $100.00 and that one componet seems
to benefit versus standard interconnects.

Overall, I would strongly urge fellow AudioGon members to be extremely careful with these Dakiom products. I mean, just read through the advertising and tell me if this sounds like rational argument or the ravings of a 'very sad little man'!
I found the Dakiom tweaks work more magic with mid-hi than hi-fi. Put them on a Marantz 1250 int. amp, Denon CDP, and there was a real improvement. Put them on my current system, and can't tell the difference.
I think I agree with you, a bucktwoeighty. But, so far, no one has told me that they think these tweaks have trashed any of their equipment in a significant way. Application failures, yes, hardware failures, well, no, (other than potentially mine) mentioned so far.
They've made a sonic difference in my system, but not one I have favored.

They have never caused any problem with my equipment.