How did you discover audiogon?

I was talking with a friend about how I got into the hobby and it started with a Stereophile magazine and then I saw an ad for audiogon. This got me thinking, how did you stumble onto audiogon?
I took a sabatical and began a yearlong trek through the Amazon Jungle. After meeting some folks who had never seen a white person, and having to be 'initiated' into the tribe (or be eaten) I discovered on of the elders had a kick-ass system. HE told me about Audiogon.
Elizabeth - I've missed your replies! Hope life is treating you well and the tribesmen have good hygiene.
After being thrown off of e-bay for my misleading ads and unscrupulous business practices, I needed a place to find more unwitting victims for my scams. The Pennysaver just didn't do the trick and people could actually see the stuff at my yard sales, so I arrived at Audiogon by process of elimination, if that's what you want to call it.
for me it was via web search several years ago...but I didn't actually purchase anything until I found out a buddy had been buying/selling here for a few years.