Bedroom system for my 10 year old son

We're re-doing our 10 yr old son's bedroom. He's really into music, listens either to his iPod or the family computer in the den. My wife says we should add a stereo for him. I've got a pair of NHT Super Zero's sitting unused that I can throw in there. What I need is either an integrated amp or receiver. I prefer something in the sub $200 range, preferably with a headphone jack. Because he doesn't have much shelf space, the smaller the footprint the better.

Any recommendation for something that would work with the NHT's? Would I be better off spending a couple hundreds of bucks on a shelf system?

Thanks in advance.
Any system would be great, just as long as it has no speakers. The other memebers of your family will never get any 'peace & quite' once the speakers, including a sub, show up. Headphone listening, from the ipod, computer or receiver is best. Spend the money on a good pair of headphones, all will be happy. You will get to enjoy your system more.
Buconero117, your post brought back many fond memories of listening to my music via Koss headphones when I was a young lad. I know Mom and Dad appreciated them !! Ecruz, if you go with headphones, explain to the little man about excessive volume and hearing loss.
We had the headphone volume conversation (and continue to reiterate it), since he first got the iPod.

He's very excited to have a stereo with speakers. We may regret it, but we're going to let him have speakers.
Ecruz, That being said, maybe a pair of the small Paradigm or PSB monitors will fill the bill. I have a pair of Paradigm Titan v2's that I have had for 10+ years that sound really good,sorry they are not for sale!!
I've got an old pair of NHT Super Zeros to put in there, just need an (cheap) integrated or receiver to go with them.