Bedroom system for my 10 year old son

We're re-doing our 10 yr old son's bedroom. He's really into music, listens either to his iPod or the family computer in the den. My wife says we should add a stereo for him. I've got a pair of NHT Super Zero's sitting unused that I can throw in there. What I need is either an integrated amp or receiver. I prefer something in the sub $200 range, preferably with a headphone jack. Because he doesn't have much shelf space, the smaller the footprint the better.

Any recommendation for something that would work with the NHT's? Would I be better off spending a couple hundreds of bucks on a shelf system?

Thanks in advance.
I must apoligize, I got off on speakers and you are asking about amps,my bad. Can't go wrong with used NAD or Rotel in my opinion.Plenty of inexpensive ones on the market.Add an ipod dock and there you are.
I, too, am putting a bedroom system together for my 10 year old son who is very into music. (He plays 12 bar blues in addition to lots of the Beatles, Neil Young and blues from the 30-60's (with an special liking for Muddy Waters, Big Mama Thorton and Elmore James). I just picked up an Arcam A60 for him for $300. I wanted an integrated with a decent phono section as he is into vinyl and the Arcam has it. If your son gets into vinyl, I suggest a technics sl1210 as it is essentially bullet proof. The best CDP for the money ($25 on ebay) is the Sony Playstation 1 (Art Dudely was right). Good luck!
Buy yourself a new computer, give him your old one, and run out of it into an NAD 3020 and on to your NHTs.
He can dump everything in his ipod into the computer and he'll have a headphone jack and phono inputs if this should lead in that direction.
And you can buy yourself a new Imac. Everybody wins.
Kudos to you guys that are sharing this with your son / daughter. I'm a product of it and am so glad that my dad introduced me to it. It's done wonders to my life.
I posted on another thread my daughter who will tell you she is 3 and 3/4's in age uses an NAD 7020 receiver (same version as 3020 with Tuner. She uses a playstation 1 for her cd's with speakers that are mounted in the wall. Bob