Reel to Reel for play back

I am sure if I search the threads I may find the answer but would prefer fresh info.
If I wanted to get into Reel to Reel for play back only can I get a unit for under $1000.00? And if so what make should I be looking for.
Also what is this 7.5 or 10" reels ? I thought Reel to Reel players would play all sizes?
FYI: I am 85 percent vinyl, 10 percent digital and 5 percent undecided.
Any and all input would be appreciated.
If I can do for less then a 1000.00 all the better, if it takes more $$$ so be it. Gives me something to consider.
Otari MX-5050 BII2 is the way to go. The only thing it lacks is a reverse play feature, which is a must for 4 track use. I second the idea of an extra deck, after you have one that is completely overhauled and reconditioned including having the heads 'relapped'. Yes, some parts for the Otari are avaialble but very expensive. If you will only be playing commerically available pre-recorded tapes, a Teac x700 should be considered.
I thought I would miss the bidirectional play of my Teac, but I really don't. It's more than offset by the superior sound quality of the Otari.
Curious. How much do original used prerecorded tapes cost? i.e.-Led Zeppelin, Jim Brown, Santana, etc.
It's a total crapshoot, depending on the auction vibes at the moment. Then, when you get the tape you won, you learn whether it's in reasonable condition, totally trashed, has the beginning track lopped off, etc. Since many of the sellers find the tapes at estate sales and have no way to play them, they're sold "as is." It's all part of the game. Sure you want to play?

I've actually never listened to a reel to reel. Someone I know has CCR,James Brown,Chicago,Santana,Joe Cocker,Led Zeppelin III,Mitch Ryder,Aretha Franklin on factory recorded reels. He would sell them for $50.