Nordost Quantum Technology Products

Does anyone have any experience with either the QX2 or QX4? Not much in the archives and googling doesn't produce many results regarding if they work or what may be expected in sound quality. My local dealer would like to sell me one or 2 but does not have the units to demo. He has never steered me wrong but if this is such a great product I would expect to get more positive results at least when googling the item.
Having heard the Quantum at RMAF and the Roy Gregory Demo at heathrow last year, I was mightily impressed. The latter demo was clear they are not an alternative to a good condition, I use a Pure Power APS. At the Gregory Demo, it was the Quantum seemed at least as impressive as changing to the Stillpoint stand and supports under the speakers, at less than half the price.
Being cheap, I will continue to look for a second hand Q4
To respond to Apship. "Does anyone have any experience with either the QX2 or QX4" Is the title of this thred. I responded that im "playing with it" as my experience for Xtil 6. For your question to me, I found the hype interasting from this thred so I demoed QX2 from dealer. I also tryed other things in the past like ummm going from casset deck to casset deck with DOLBY, then to CD......Like every other audiophile with hi end gear, If we have something to sort out, the Nordost Quantum qx2, 4 isnt it, unless your radio is 38 years old.

FWIW, i have owned the Nordost Thor and am in the midst of upgrading to qx4 having heard it. the best way i can describe it is that certain passages within complex music suddenly become even more "understandable" and clear. For example, on certain ;arge orchesteral compositions, when i put the Thor into the system, i realized that parts of the orchestra were actually playing a sort of contrapuntal counterpart to the other part of the orchestra. Nor sure why, but before the Thor, I had never made the musical connection before despite listening for several months to the CD. There is something very clear, organized (and effortless) about the way the music is presented that I feel like it is easier to listen to all of the various complex passages at the same time and keep them all going without "bleeding" together with the Thor...and soon the qx4. One man's experience. hope it helps.
There seems to be a change of view where to put one Quantum unit in the chain. I thought before the power conditioner to include the whole system. Speaking to a Nordost rep at the UK show last weekend, he said put it in front of any unit with a low current draw, say the CD player or phonostage. It will still help the whole system, particularly if somewhere in the middle of the rack and you avoid tyhe risk of excess current demand through the Q4
That is good to know. I met Roy Gregory in London a few months back who is now with Nordost, and he suggested i try both ways...entire front end (not amp)...and directly in front of my DAC.

i will post upon hearing. Have elected to upgrade speakers so that is (fingers crossed) going to be done in a week or so...they arrive 22nd i am told. fingers crossed!! thanks for your advice.