Most Audiophiles by State

My wife was asking me this question. I thought it would probably be California.

Anyone know how we can get actual data? Thoughts?
I'm sure the magazines have a really good idea..
Okay, so far the results seem a little skewed:

California - 1
Pennsylvania - 1
Alabama - 1 (I am inferring that is where Mapman is from)
Texas - 1
Edmonton, (Alberta, Canada) - 1
Mississippi - 3

So apparently, Mississippi is the hub of all things Audiophile!
(Who'd a thunk that?!) ;-)
My rig always sounds best after i've downed a couple of shots of straight bourbon...
Thats how we get the best sound here in Kentucky!
Okay, so far the results seem a little skewed
I'll unskew them a little bit by mentioning my state, Connecticut, which is no. 1 in per capita income, as well as being home to many people who work in NY.

-- Al

Come on over and visit us. We'll have a great time! Then we can go home with you to California and visit for a while. :)

Could it be Colorado. Lots of manufactures located here plus the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest.