Skylan vs. Sound Anchor speaker stands? Comments?

Is there an appreciable difference between Sound Anchor and Skylan speaker stands? They both appear well made. Each can be filled with sand.

If you believe one is superior, please explain why.

Thanks in advance.
I have the four post Skylans ( 24") I can confirm they are very stable and well built. Unfortunately I have no experience with the Sound Anchors. Certainly once shipping is taken into account the much lighter, when empty and flat packed, Skylans will be a lot cheaper! I remember reading on the Harbeth forum, someone who went from Sound Anchors to Skylans for his Monitor 40s and prefered the later. However he recently posted that he had moved on to using wooden barstools with even greater success!.
...he recently posted that he had moved on to using wooden barstools with even greater success!.
Pcoombs (System | Threads | Answers)
Ah, the stale Guiness tweak!
Makes you wonder why he didn't try the barstools first.I guess they were not "audiophile approved" and did not cost enough to warrant an audition!!!!!!!!