Skylan vs. Sound Anchor speaker stands? Comments?

Is there an appreciable difference between Sound Anchor and Skylan speaker stands? They both appear well made. Each can be filled with sand.

If you believe one is superior, please explain why.

Thanks in advance.
I know Paul Folbrecht used those amps with his Audio Notes.

I have a pair of George Wright Signature AU-15 (2A3) monoblocks I am going to try, as well as the Pass Labs XA-60.5.

There are many options.
10-31-09: Jax2
Grant - not to hijack your thread, but have you considered looking for a pair of Osiris stands?
Marco, thanks for the idea. If they were still being produced, I'd definitely be considering them. I think it's unlikely I'll run across a used pair to fit the AN-E speakers, as the AN-E stands are just 10" tall, and sized to precisely fit the footprint of the speakers to allow close placement to side and rear walls.
Sorry, Grant, I missed that you were looking for AN-E compatible stands. Funny, I was just close to auditioning the pair that's local to me, but my wife vetoed them. Let me know how you like those speakers. I like George's Au-15's a whole lot, btw.
I live in L.A. My Sound Anchors are spiked to the floor - with upside down Symposium Rollerblock Jrs. between the monitors and stands. While I was listening this past summer, a tremblor happened. The speakers rocked and rolled - figuratively and literally. I could have yanked the monitors but I was curious to see what would happen. Never came close to tipping - just like a boat bobbling on the water. If you're interested, you're welcome to stop by and take a look. Aren't some newer skyscrapers in SoCal designed similarly with anti-shock engineering in their foundations?
Steakster, I had the same experience using Rollerblocks and Aurios. Pretty cool.

Isolation of that type runs counter to the recommendation of the manufacturer of my speakers, though.