Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners

Where are you? What mods have you done ?

I have been using these ET2's for over 9 years now.
I am still figuring them out and learning from them. They can be modified in so many ways. Bruce Thigpen laid down the GENIUS behind this tonearm over 20 years ago. Some of you have owned them for over 20 years !

Tell us your secrets.

New owners – what questions do you have ?

We may even be able to coax Bruce to post here. :^)

There are so many modifications that can be done.

Dressing of the wire with this arm is critical to get optimum sonics along with proper counterweight setup.

Let me start it off.

Please tell us what you have found to be the best wire for the ET-2 tonearm ? One that is pliable/doesn’t crink or curl. Whats the best way of dressing it so it doesn’t impact the arm. Through the spindle - Over the manifold - Below manifold ? What have you come up with ?
Richard/John47 thanks for making me curious about the damping trough again.

Arrived the in mail one kit from Bruce.

This kit reminds me of my flu shot ?

I don’t like needles and syringes.

But it went on real smooth

I think Frogman still has his paddle lifted not touching ?

I think SLAW is however still liquified ?

Added 1 CC per Bruce’ instructions – paddle just touching.
Its been over 8 years for me in using one. Will report back later ... so far pretty good !

Thekong –

The answer to your question regarding frequencies impacted by horizontal Fr from Richardkrebs are mostly wrong. It is important that they are addressed.
Impact of Fundamental Resonance:
05-20-13: Richardkrebs
The answer to your question regarding frequencies impacted by horizontal Fr is shown in the attached graph. From memory your Horiziontal Fr was around 5hz with the A-90. So substitute 5 for 1 on the x axis and scale up from there. At 15 Hz (3) the rise in response is almost zero. This is what BT was talking about when he mentions 3xFr.
This statement is not correct. I quote from Richardkrebs earlier post
05-15-13: Richardkrebs
In Bruce's paper on the oil trough he talks about the effect of Fr being apparent at 3x its frequency. Targeting say the 12 hz you mentioned would mean that it is causing phase and amplitude problems at 36 hz. This is not good. .
As you can see Richardkrebs appears to be confused. On the 15/3 he cites Bruce Thigpen as saying that there are phase and amplitude problems at 3 times Fundamental Resonance, then on 20/5 he cites Bruce Thigpen as saying the rise in response is almost zero.
Neither of these statements are correct.
What Bruce Thigpen actually says on his website is that on an undamped standard ET with decoupled counterweight there is a resonant peak at 3 times the fundamental resonant frequency, and that this is reduced with fluid damping on a standard ET with decoupled counterweight.

The other mistake that Richardkrebs continues to make is to use as a reference a graph for a single harmonic oscillator that plucked from Wikipedia.

Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harmonic_oscillator
Richardkrebs - http://s1173.photobucket.com/user/CT-993/media/ResonanceGraph_zpsdd78e0f4.png.html?sort=2&o=7

This graph does not represent the forces on the cantilever because the cantilever and cartridge is not a single harmonic oscillator. A cartridge tracking a record groove has a fulcrum point at both ends – the stylus in the groove, about which the cantilever pivots, and the cartridge end of the cantilever which has a suspension. Forces are exerted on BOTH ends of the cantilever. The graph represents a pendulum with only one fulcrum point at one end only. The mathematics that Richardkrebs uses does not apply.

05-20-13: Richardkrebs
Now look at frequencies below Fr. At say 0.25 Fr we get transmissibility of 1. What this means is that, with the compliance of the cartridge used, the whole arm moves sideways. The cantilever does not deflect. This is important for eccentric record issues. .

This assertion is wrong on several fronts. The cantilever deflects.

Firstly – the record grooves are cut at 45 degrees. The cantilever deflects. For a moving coil cartridge the cantilever deflection moves the moving coils within a magnetic field. That is how sound is reproduced from a record player. This video shows how RCA Living Stereo stereo playback is achieved.
If there is no deflection of the cantilever then Richardkrebs system cannot be producing any sound that resembles music.

Secondly, the statement defies physics. I quote Bruce Thigpen directly:
Bruce Thigpen
“the cartridge will "see" .55Hz mounted in any tonearm, more so in one with higher horizontal inertia. I don't think Kuzma means the stylus does not deflect at all at .55Hz, that would defy physics.”

Furthermore, Richardkrebs assumption with regard to Bruce Thigpens views on eccentric records are not supported by what Bruce Thigpen actually says in the ET2 manual.
05-20-13: Richardkrebs
BT uses at 30cu cartridge in his manual to calculate horizontal Fr. The arm weight he uses is 30gm plus 7gm for the cartridge. We have to assume that he is ok with this combination and that he is not worried about cantilever deflection on eccentric records.
This assumption again is just plain wrong. I quote from Bruce Thigpen’s ET website:
ET2 Manual page 47 :
“if you like to play severely eccentric records, ones with run out greater than 1/8th of an inch, then we suggest you use a low mass pivoted arm.”

In summary, Bruce Thigpen is very much of the view that the horizontal effective mass should be kept as low as possible, and the decoupling employed to minimsie fundamental resonant peaks at FR and 3xFR.

He has also expressed his view that increasing mass increases distortion, and I quote Bruce Thigpen -
Bruce Thigpen:
If the weight is coupled the system resonant frequency would be extremely low, a resonant frequency at 3Hz with a significant rise in response (6-12dB) results, which would affect tracking slightly because of the asymmetric position of the cantilever, we opt for splitting the horizontal resonance frequency into two points and lowering the "Q" which improves tracking.

More important than tracking, the intent was to reduce the modulation effects of low frequency energy (FM and AM) that increase distortion in the cartridge,

Thekong , I trust this clarifies the queries you raised.
Utter Nonsense Dover, and I quote you

"What Bruce Thigpen actually says on his website .......... there is a resonant peak at 3 times the fundamental resonant frequency, and that this is reduced with fluid damping on a standard ET with decoupled counterweight."

It would have been useful if you had done engineering.

The peak is at the resonant frequency, not 3x Fr.
my name is Dover, not Utter Nonsense Dover. I have in fact studied engineering and English as well at university.
Please see below the difference between “a” and “the”

"a" [uh; when stressed ey]
indefinite article
3.another; one typically resembling: a Cicero in eloquence; a Jonah.

"the" [stressed th ee; unstressed before a consonant th uh; unstressed before a vowel th ee]
definite article
1. (used, especially before a noun, with a specifying or particularizing effect, as opposed to the indefinite or generalizing force of the indefinite article a or an ): the book you gave me; Come into the house.
2. (used to mark a proper noun, natural phenomenon, ship, building, time, point of the compass, branch of endeavor, or field of study as something well-known or unique): the sun; the Alps; the Queen Elizabeth; the past; the West.

So, in the context of a “resonant peak” “a” does not represent “the”.
Do you know what PSI and Pump type your ET2 or ET2.5 was designed for ?

3.6 PSI - Original Takatsuki and ET-2 or 2.5

5.0- 7 PSI - WISA 300 air pump and ET-2 or 2.5 with high pressure manifolds

>10 PSI - users with shop compressors and ET-2 or 2.5 high pressure manifolds

Note, if the pressure readings are higher than those listed above, the manifold could be clogged, if the pressure readings are lower, this suggests that the pump may not be performing correctly.

(Taken from Bruce's website)