Vintage Stereo System Appraisal

I am trying to locate an appropriate appraiser and some sites I can list a recently found a vintage stereo system that I would like to sell.

It's an HH Scott Stereomaster system. The components are a 222 Stereo Amplifier, a 314 Wide Band FM Receiver and a 335 Wideband Mutiplex Adaptor. I'm unclear if this was a kit or was sold as a whole unit because it's contained in a wooden cabinet with a 12 inch coil speaker.

I have ALL of the manuals, schematics and miscellaneous stuff. I also have pictures of the unit as well.
A 'dirty' cheap way to bring up unused stereo equipment is to turn it on for only a fraction of a second. Then wait a minute. then turn it on for a full second. Then again for 2-3 seconds. This does a 'quick and dirty' slow start for the caps. Better than turning it on a seeing if it blows up... but not as good as using a variac. For stuff you just HAVE to see if it works. NOT for really valuable stuff worth protecting.
Never turn a tube amp on without speakers hooked up.A lot of people turn it on to see if the tubes are lighting up.That can destroy the output transformers.Being that it only has one speaker,its a possibility.
From the Tuner info website, Foster Blair is probably your man:
Foster Blair rebuilds and repairs all types of vintage Scott equipment, including amplifiers, tuners, multiplex units, and the hardest to work on, tube receivers. He has over 35 years experience working with Scott equipment and has an extensive collection of vintage Scott gear. Foster has the necessary test equipment, schematics and knowledge to fix dead, sick or wounded Scotts at very reasonable cost. Contact Foster at (replace the AT with an @ sign).
The prices are very conservative on the gear listed.
I think this would be a great candidate for the auction.
I would list it on Ebay simply because it reaches more "Retro type" buyers than Audiogon. I have seen gear like this go for crazy prices. Nearly double or 3 times the price listed. The book value is no indication of what something is worth. The price is determined by who wants it badly and is prepared to spend "X" amount of funds to obtain it. Some ebay buyers place sentimental value on some items and will pay more than the well informed Audiogon buyer. I hope I did not offend anyone with what I just said but I would try and reach a larger audience of buyers on your gear.
No offense taken at all, Recordho. Yes, sometimes an auction will result in a feeding frenzy, if two or more people REALLY want the item, and if it is one that does not appear for sale very often. In this case, the 335 multiplex adapter is the one item that I would say has a significant chance of that kind of result.

However, my observation has been that when these or similar pieces sell for considerably more than the prices I listed, the piece is usually in totally pristine condition both cosmetically and functionally; it has in many cases been restored by an expert (with capacitors replaced, etc.); AND the seller has indicated a willingness to ship to the Far East (Japan, South Korea, etc.), where a lot of the demand for vintage American gear comes from. The winning bidder may end up being from the USA, but the participation of bidders from those countries will often drive up the price significantly.

-- Al