The Hub: Okay. It's all my fault.

There are certain laws by which we all live. Aside from a nasty tendency to change lanes in the middle of intersections (gleefully pointed out by my teenaged son at every offense), I'm a pretty law-abiding guy. There are some laws, however, that you don't CHOOSE to violate, you just DO. Chief amongst those for me is the Law of Unintended Consequences. And I confess (just call me Tiger), there have been transgressions, involving that law.

"I just wanted to HELP people": how often have you heard THAT one? Seriously, though, I did, and I do. It pains me to read inarticulate prose, and unfortunately, I read a lot of it every day while reviewing the new ads here at Audiogon. So I wrote a piece about what makes an ad a GOOD ad (seen here), mentioning such elements as providing sufficient detail, being civil, and using humor to charm your reader and attract attention.

And that's when things went horribly, horribly wrong.

See, I used an ad from member Dertubemeister as an example. It was unusual, and rambling, and wise, and funny. It also sold his amp within a couple hours. Wow. I talked to Dert, got his simple philosophy on ad-writing ("People like stories"), and encouraged him to come back with another ad, next time he had an amp to sell. Harmless, right?

Well, that depends upon whom you talk to. Dertubemeister's encore, the now-infamous ''Heater'' ad, has been read a remarkable 13,000 times. I found it amusing, and thought it took a needed jab at the seriousness that envelops the high end. This forum thread discussed the ad, in enthusiastic terms.

Outside the Forums, reactions were mixed. One earnest member wrote me about the ad, fearing it was a scam; I responded that it wasn't a scam, it was a JOKE. Some merchants found the ad unprofessional, and claimed it distracted readers from REAL ads. The stats indicated otherwise, but logic seldom overcomes indignation.

Funnily enough, my friends in the audio press, manufacturers, and retailers all GOT it. But that may be why they're my friends.

So was the world changed by this string of events? No, not really. A little levity was brought to an often-too-serious community, but don't think for a second that we're not serious about business. We are, but that doesn't mean it can't be fun.

Meanwhile, I'm keeping a close watch on Dertubemeister. His ads, and their aftermath, have made it apparent that some help is still needed amongst our users. With that in mind, I'll close with a few more guidelines for ad composition:

1. Reread what you wrote, as though you've never seen it before. Does it still make sense?

2. Never, EVER insult or abuse your reader. Not only is it incredibly bad business, it's a good way to make your ad disappear.

3. References to fecal matter are both unnecessary and unwelcome. Really, do you think that'll make people want to buy your item? Sure doesn't work that way for me.

4. PLEASE don't start your ad with the phrase, "If you're reading this, you know what this is." How lazy is that? You can still provide enough information to enlighten the poor souls who DON'T know what it is, but still might be interested in it. Besides which, we don't know anything about YOUR specific piece. TELL us!

-and finally,
5."Minty" is a flavor, not a condition; the word "perfect" is an absolute, and should never be followed by "except for..." or similar weasel-words; and NEVER use the phrase so beloved of craigslist sellers of non-running cars: "CAN work great!" It DOESN'T work great, mind you, but it CAN if it's completely rebuilt!

Go forth, and write great ads!
The joke was funny. The problem with the joke was that too many crazy items posing as 'audiophile' are made AND sold here. How can AudiogoN allow sellers to sell "teleportation tweak": wherein the buyer gets a telephone call that makes an improvement in the buyers system. I don't care if it may be a 'funny'. It is an outright fraud. Unless the disclamer is made that it is "for amusement purposes only"!
The slope to bullcrap is beginning to get steeper. To not slide off the end is getting harder. This Heater ad was funny, it's effect, as part of a general "let's sell anything that some fool might buy" philosophy is bad for the entire audiophile community.
I am not against selling magic jars of rocks (one of my pet peeves) nor against the likes of "Tice Clocks". but the line needs to be drawn. And 'heaters' jokes, and teleportation tweak fraudster ads are not part of what makes AudiogoN great. Those sort of ads will IMO ruin AudiogoN, as folks begin to doubt what is real and what is not. YOU can see the posts with innocent questions all the time! Do you think the phoney and fraudulent products make a good impression on new people visiting this site?
Or, does it leave them wondering what the hell is going on?
The "heater" ad is just one more sign that too much f*cking around is going on here.
Your credibility gap is showing.
Hi, Audiogon_bill,

I find your suggestions extremely worthwhile and will review them prior to posting my first AudiogoN FS ad. Thank you!

Best regards,
WOW, a man who gets it, about a man who got it! It's supposed to be fun people!! Oh well the beatings will continue until moral improves!
Glad to see the Crusade is still alive and moving forward with the thrust of a turtle. Mind you a mighty turtle, but nonetheless a turtle. Being an old ad guy with some heavy hitting corporate entities, such as CBS and TV Guide I am for the most part amused by many of the ads that appear on Audiogon as well as some other sites. Salesmanship is slowly but surely entering its demise. but being the dinosaur I am, will press forward and will saddle up for one more crusade. Whos knows the world of enlightment may be just a stones throw away and god knows I am need of more enlightment.
Does this mean we will not be seeing any more Dakiom ads? As they generally are on the rude/offensive side- whether the product is viable or not. This add was obvious and funny, but does beg the question as Elizabeth stated.