Is Hi-fi getting more expensive?

When I first get into high end audio in 2003, $3000 can buy you a very good cd player. Now $3000 just get you started. All of sudden, most of the major high end cable companies all ask $10,000.00+ for their top of the line speaker cables. The economy is bad but you don’t see high end audio getting cheaper. The entry ticket to Hi-Fi is getting more expensive and Hi-fi is getting far away from average people.

I guess the reason is that if the economy is bad, less people buy high end audio. So companies have to charge more for each unit to cover their development cost, and even fewer people will buy their equipment. This will be a vicious cycle that never ends. I think some company should cut the price by 50% to break the cycle. I know there is lots of pressure for companies not to follow the price trend when one cable company list its cable for $10,000+. If you don’t follow it, people might think you cable is not as good as the high price tag cable. But if you cut unit price by half, your sale volume can go up to make up your lower price. Volume is important. Windows 7 is more complex and powerful than Sooloos, but why Windows 7 is $200 while Sooloos charge yoy $10,000? You can also look at computers, they are always getting faster and powerful while still keep at the same price point or cheaper. Once other companies see the benefits, they will join it too. Pioneer and Sony are not incapable of making great audio gear, they just choose not to because of the tiny market size. If big companies like Pioneer or Sony see there is a big market for high end audio, they will come and join the game.

I feel Hi-Fi almost double its price from 2003-2009.We really need some companies to take the first step(cutting the price) to break the vicious cycle. Now these days more people are listen to compressed music like MP3/ipod. We really need to find a way to attract more people to good quality audio to benefit all of us, otherwise we all lose in the end.

This might be my wishful/unrealistic thinking. People are welcome to share their thought.
$3500 for a Meridian 508.24 player in 1997 and $1500 for a new top line Cambridge Audio player in 2009 that sounds better and has more features and better specs.

Seems more value added over the years.
Just be happy that computers and internet we are using were not designed by audiophile companies. If the "audiophiles designed computers, then your PC would cost $999000 each as it had to use only NOS electronic parts, the ones using vacuum tubes or 74LS family of ICs and PIO capacitors were to run better oh yes don't forget the after market upgraded power cord for
No matter what new marketing strategy they do or new marketing theory they find out, at the end you still need to look at the result. Tell me is the hi-fi dealer near you thriving or just try to survive?

Meridian 508.24 was $3500 but 808.2 is $16,000.00 now. Cambridge or Rotel is a good way to let you start Hi-fi, but $1900 Cambridge cd player is still not affordable to newbies. I just find there are fewer people play with high end audio than before. I am in my thirties and we need to find a way to attract new blood.
I am in my thirties and we need to find a way to attract new blood.

While I don't disagree with this comment, I can't see how it's going to happen. The first thing that needs to change would be to make better music. Many of the old time musical stars were ugly (to be blount). Today, looks is the first 'talent' needed to be a music star. "Video killed the radio star" is so true.
I'm almost 50, and I have three sons, ages 19, 22 and 25. The music they mostly listen to is between 20-50 years old.

Secondly, there are too many other distractions today. 2 channel audio peaked before cable tv, VCR's, iPhones, computers, etc, etc. There was far less competition for one's attention.

My boys do listen to music, but mostly while "multi-tasking". I don't see this generation dedicating themselves to a listening session enough to warrant an investment in the hardware end.

I agree with John, particularly concerning new entertainment options supplanting high end audio. 20 or 30 year olds sitting passively in front of a two channel (or multi channel) music-only system versus gaming or actively doing something at a computer? I'm going with gaming.

Buy what you want for the long term now folks, because high end audio is only going to shrink from here.