Being grateful for what we have

With audio as a hobby, do you find yourself researching, listening, buying, selling, buying more, and always looking for that next tweak, purchase or upgrade? I know I do.

I wonder why I'm not sitting back and appreciating the system I currently own. Is it easier said than done? Is upgrade-itous and hearing weaknesses rather than enjoying the strengths, just part of being an audiophile? I'm not sure.

Have I become an audiogeek when I should be serving my community, spending more time with my family, and joining with others to solve real world problems like war, greed, and injustice? It makes me think that enjoying our stereo systems depends on our priorities in life as much as it does our ears--maybe more.

Any thoughts?
I used to search for the next best thing and was very pleased with the results. Now the changes yield smaller improvements, and the cost increases. I'm done improving the electronics. I'm concentrating on the music now.
this very subject came up the other day with an audiophile buddy of mine who just upgraded his preamp phono stage, then moved to a new MC cartridge, fussing & obsessing all weekend with the whole synergy thing & seemed quite aggravated with the whole process. I forsee an audiophile themed intervention on A&E in the know, guy walks into his local dealer & his whole family is there etc, etc....
Almonduck 03-20-10
I wonder why I'm not sitting back and appreciating the system I currently own. Is it easier said than done?
Yes it is easier said than done. If you like me have made a considerable investment in your audio system and yet the music does not quite grip you emotionally where you feel what the artists were trying to convey. I'm still working on that level of music reproduction. Maybe my setup will be there soon. Those enjoying their systems are so fortunate. But you're right in what you say about family. I could definitely do better there.