Sterophile's not so nice review of Bryston

On a curious note they reviewed the totl Bryston amp a couple of months ago and it did not get a glowing review. Well, the next month there were no Bryston ads !!!!. Makes ya wonder. I just wonder if any of the mags can give an unbiased review and still keep the ads? Corrupt as Wall Street huh? Pay pay me and I wont tell. Mike
let's examine this from the manufacturer's side. if you give an ad to an ad agency and they do a bad job on the ad, you will no longer do business with them.

if stereophile presents one of their products in a manner which will reduce sells, Bryston will consider that stereophile is hurting their business and not advertise.

it is unfortunate that business relationships are in such a state, but that's the way it is.

if you don't take ads, you can say anything you want about a product. but then again , you could get sued.
I went to the show in Jacksonville last month and there was a panal of 3 caps that bosted how they were the best reviewers on the planet. Online reviewers were crap and didn't know squat. Peacock feathers all over the room if you ask me.

$$$ is the bottom line and I would trust the online reviewers over the big $$$ Mag. reviewers anyday.

Reading my notes, AS mag only has one superstar reviewer and you can not build a mag around one superstar was said by the peacocks.

Always let another man/woman praise you/your works and life will find that you will be exalted in due season. Sounding your own horn has a uncertain sound to it.
The glory days of manufacturer ass kissing are over, as are the. glory days of hi end audio mags.