Oh Oh- Aural issues discovered

Off I go to an audiologist as part of an aviation medical examination, to find I am down 23db at 6000hz. All other frequencies very good, just this one is problematic in both ears. Doc says it is due to noise exposure- like a loud car stereo when young, perhaps. Recurring Otitis Media can not have helped either.

Downright bloody depressing I say! Should a fellow call this never ending chase quits- get a nice 5.1 system and watch sports instead- or what?
It may depend on how long the problem existed.If for several years,it may not be to big a deal.If it was for 5 years for example,everything live in the past 5 years had the same sonics to you.If you listen to it through a nice system,it will sound the same as anything live did in the past 5 years.Adding an equalizer might make the 6000hz sound overpowering and unnatural now.
Do nothing, it's not a problem. Your brain will compensate. Definitely don't do an EQ.