Audiophile Addiction

I met a man on Audiogon who had a fairly high-end system and he was selling the whole thing off. I asked him why, which is the purpose of this posting, is that he was constantly trying to find the perfect sound from his audio system and came to the conclusion it does not exist. Additionally, he said most often all of his hours of listening were alone, taking many hours of quality time from his family. In addition, he said he was listening to his equipment vs. the music. He is now very happy listening to background music with his family from his AV system. I don't know, I just wanted to share this story as I myself fall into this trap (made me think).
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Why music or audio and not both. What is wrong in having two hobbies?

Many posts suggest to not worry about sound and just listen to music. It was even mentioned that talented musicians systems are boom boxes while they "could not be happier". I like it and hope that it will convince more people to sell cheap.
My system is in the main, great room, of our house that connects the rest of the rooms, including the kitchen, and I play music CONSTANTLY. To me it's much better than the idiot-box on constantly.

My kids complain sometimes, but they sing along too, and they can, and do play anything they want. My 10 yr old is very adept at changing records, very carefully with attention played to cleaning them with the brush prior to playing.

I am addicted, but ironically, we all enjoy it, and my kids hear everything from Ella Fitzgeard, Prokeiv, Mozart to Led Zeppelin, The Beatles (whom they all love), Michael Jackson, Nina Simone.
"rest of the rooms, including the kitchen, and I play music CONSTANTLY"

My family complains a little at night.
As a long time audiophile I can tell you this, audiophiles go through many phases......listening to music (which is what got you started in the first place) not always first on the list.

If you stay long term, and get past the listening to everything but the music stage, you will, in the end be happy.

After 40 years I'm happy, and probably no longer an audiophile.......but I do listen to a lot of great music.

My audiophile years taught me a lot, and I'm glad I went through them.
