
Hello, It has been a long time since I've been on the forum but I finally tried something new with one of my old tweaks and it worked out great. I had my Walker Audio Silver Treatment laying around and applied it to my tubes. I have a Quicksilver preamp and a set of Mini Mono power amps. I hit the tubes with the Caig spray then put the silver treatment on, the power tubes first. It was a huge difference, richer and way more detail and I have cheap power tubes at the moment, JJs... I put the treatment on all tubes and my system sounds just amazing for what it is. Just wanted to pass this along, I've used the treatment on other parts of the system, connectors and power cords but this has to be its best application ( TUBES ) for me at least.
I suggest powering down the system immediately and then follow up by googling what you have done, as well as how to remedy/clean it up.
Mr C: NO- If applied AS DIRECTED(VERY SPARINGLY), these products are COMPLETELY SAFE on tubes and sockets(OR- anywhere else). The problems stem from those that are too inept, or with too little attention to detail, to apply the substance without causing shorts between tube pins or socket connections(it's good for a person to know their own limitations). I've personally been using this sort of product, even on connectors smaller and closer together than miniature tube pins, for years, without incident. After application to tube pins, I make certain there is no excess between pins by wiping the base(between them) with Q-Tip. It's unnecessary(with ANY of these products) to ACTUALLY get connections WET, but some can't seem to help themselves. The rule=ATTENTION TO DETAIL!
How sparingly is sparingly? If this error is made by so many well meaning and I expect fairly cautious dedicated audiophiles then there may be a problem with the product itself. It is marketed to to audiophile audience with explicit instructions, yet there are a significant number of failures. I think it is appropriate to ask whether this product is safe or needs some modification. I assure you if any widely distributed medication had this many reports of problems we would not assume the patients were the problem.