how many are you tripping over?

i know there are solutions to this as i have one [universal].remote control units are taking over. my list for example:
insanely expensive universal
ipod dock
ceiling fan
air conditioner
portable space heater
itouch,,,,,,,,,i know this may be boring but sociologically speaking what is this an indication of? 12 remotes next to the sofa is a direct indication that i have no waf around here . ha
I have tons of remotes but as far as remotes that are actually in use I only have one - a Sony RM 2100 programmable touchscreen remote. Got it for $20 used and it runs everything!
I want a mouse for my Laptop that doubles as a universal remote.
Or a remote that can also be used as a wireless mouse for a laptop.
Then all you need is one device! Like phone that flips open. Closed it is a mouse, (perhaps with some macro keys on the top too). Then open, a complete universal remote.
I want one NOW.
Elizabeth with miniaturation what it is you should patent your idea as it may be feasable. The problem of course is that mousing is an old and dissapearing technology.