Re: differences in tuners


I've owned an entry-level Marantz ST-46 tuner for 14-15 years. It still works fine, but I wonder just how much more performance can be had from a better tuner. I almost never listen to commercial radio any more but listen to the local public jazz and classical stations a fair amount. Is there a big difference in tuners? Thanks,

I would say yes if you are listening to locals as they can broadcast better fidelity than mainstream stations.
my Sansui TU919 analog tuner has a very big midrange sound with nuance and depth that my Rotel tuner did not have.

A very big step up so yes, there is a big difference IMO.
How good is your antenna?

Back when FM listening was as common as LP listening (Joe Cocker performing at Woodstock, if you must know), bettering your antenna often led to bigger dividends than bettering your tuner.

Yes, there are considerable differences among tuners, in sound quality, sensitivity, and selectivity. Also, I second the previous comment about the importance of the antenna.

You'll find a wealth of information, as well as specific comments on many older models, at

You also may find this recent thread and this older one to be of interest.

As you'll see in those threads, I am one of those who happens to be a fan of vintage tube tuners.

-- Al