Complete 2.0 System for Under $3k?

Hi, I am new to the forums and relatively new to higher end audio so am looking for advice on the best way to construct a system on my budget.

I am trying to assemble a turntable, speakers, amplifier and anything else that I may need for under $3,000. I do not mind a mix of new / used equipment as long as it is relatively easy to find.

What would you recommend?

Appreciate the help!
Wow, is everyone taking the Memorial Day weekend off from serious posts?

I don't see why this can't be accomplished if your expectations aren't sky-high. There are several decent turntables available for $300-400 and some really good integrated amps in the $500-$1000 range. In this case I think it really comes down to the speakers, the room and how much amplification you will need. Tell us what your room is like and what kind of music you listen to and how loud.

tell us the room size, what you listen to and how loud and if you want floorstanding speakers (and how far from the wall you can put them) or need to put them on a shelf.

typically buy the speakers you like, match the amp to them and then buy the source.

good luck,
i agree the idea of a kick ass system for $3 grand is EASY.
I have a friend with a decent used system assmbled for about a hundred bucks.
Yea it took some time to find good stuff dirt cheap, but we did for a friends system.
So with three thousand, used is King. and plenty of stuff to choose from.
The MAIN thing is to buy what you find, instead of a list you have to buy.
You could get some great stuff if you can grab what is available in the moment. And yes it may not be the perfect match, but i would bet getting better stuff would make up for a less than stellar match IMO, anyway.
(unless one is an 'dolt', then buy stuff from a list by all means.)
((This means just general, endless bad luck created by ones own efforts, not low IQ, OK.))
For starters, you could do worse than an all-Rega setup:

RP1 $460
Brio-R $895
RS3 $1295

Just heard one, and I could live with it!
Hi, Elizbeth:
"The MAIN thing is to buy what you find, instead of a list you have to buy"
Okay, but the gent may not have a friend like you hanging around, so... given your well-known expertise, how about some more specific guidance for him? - e.g., what would you be looking for in a good set of phono stuff, what relative portion of your budget would you expect to spend, say, on tonearm vs table vs cartridge in this discounted price range; would you even consider buying a used cartridge as a novice, and even, god forbid, not in list form, what are some examples of good deals you might have seen around in the past?