RMAF 2011: Any tips?

I'm going to Rocky Mountain Audiofest this year for the first time. There's a lot to see, and I'm not quite sure how to prioritize. Does anyone have advice about things that shouldn't be missed? Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Make a list of the companies you want to see.
When you first get to RMAF get a COUPLE of the programs which list manufacturers room by room.
Highlight and cross off as you go.

Go see the ones you want to see first, then check out others as you see fit.

Great Show - have fun!
Reading your question between the lines you have the right idea in prioritization. Don’t try to see it all. If you try, you will only spend a couple of minutes in each room and therefore not see anything.

Don't forget to bring your ears.

Make sure your breath is fresh and clean when entering the rooms. Been Having been tO four shows I can't tell how many stinky smelly breaths come into the rooms let alone the BB person running the room.
I usually try to steal a reviewers badge. Then when you go into a room they play what ever CD you may bring. They also reward you with their "top self" liquor. They keep it in the bathroom under the sink and it usually not visible to the average show goer. A warning however, be sure to compliment them on the sound. Say something like, "the midrange sounds fuller this year and the bass is tighter, did you change the crossover or eliminate that annoying cabinet resonance?" That puts them off their game and gives you a chance to ask for a refill on your 30 year old scotch.