RMAF 2011: Any tips?

I'm going to Rocky Mountain Audiofest this year for the first time. There's a lot to see, and I'm not quite sure how to prioritize. Does anyone have advice about things that shouldn't be missed? Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

I usually try to steal a reviewers badge. Then when you go into a room they play what ever CD you may bring. They also reward you with their "top self" liquor. They keep it in the bathroom under the sink and it usually not visible to the average show goer. A warning however, be sure to compliment them on the sound. Say something like, "the midrange sounds fuller this year and the bass is tighter, did you change the crossover or eliminate that annoying cabinet resonance?" That puts them off their game and gives you a chance to ask for a refill on your 30 year old scotch.
Ha, Some funny answers!

It is a friendly show and relatively easy to navigate the venue.If you come by air be sure to book and prepay the Show shuttle-it is on the Hotel site.

If you want to save $$$'s and be spared Hotel grub--and big dollar booze markups-both within 5 mins walk from M front door.

There is a very good breakfast/lunch -fresh organic/etc eatery just about 100yds on right from entrance of the Marriot,plus opposite it is a Buffet-- Indian,also very good and cheap.

Next to the Indian is a Wine cellar with amazing selection.

I'll join ya there!

I never wear white after labor day.
I always remember my ears.
I floss daily, so breath isn't a problem.
I do enjoy 30 year old scotch, so I will be liberal with compliments.

As helpful as that advice was, I was hoping to hear from folks who have been to the show, or who are going this year, or who happen to know something about the program. I'm asking, for example, if there are any "must sees" or "don't bothers" that might help me make the most out of the show.

I'm also open to suggestions about what steak to eat.

Just saw your post, Des. Thanks for the input. I'm hoping to avoid eating hotel food as much as possible, so I will check out your suggestions. Much appreciated.
