anyone using Adona racks ?

I am looking for a 3 shelve rack . I see Adona advertising on A.A all the time, I would like to stay under $1000. any suggestions ?
Thank you all for your replies, Isochroism thanks for the heads up on the used A45CS4 rack on A.A. they are on their way as I write this. I really didn't need four shelves but I couldn't pass up the price, maybe in the future there will be a need for the other two shelves
SYMPOSIUM ISIS the best rack sound wise.

Interesting. How did this get established?

From what i know the Symposium ISIS racks are on the 4k price range, way over op's budget.
Paladin, I'll get three, then!!! Rhapsd, I predict at some point you will find need for all, not wishing an audio afflication upon you, of course. Please update after they are setup. My Adona expansion will commence after I relocate from apartment to house in this oncoming spring season.