anyone using Adona racks ?

I am looking for a 3 shelve rack . I see Adona advertising on A.A all the time, I would like to stay under $1000. any suggestions ?
From what i know the Symposium ISIS racks are on the 4k price range, way over op's budget.
Paladin, I'll get three, then!!! Rhapsd, I predict at some point you will find need for all, not wishing an audio afflication upon you, of course. Please update after they are setup. My Adona expansion will commence after I relocate from apartment to house in this oncoming spring season.
Just get some SYMPOSIUM SVELTE shelfs on any Adona rack for a great upgrade this way you dont have to spend a lot of cash.
Tried to buy speaker feet from them that I ordered on May 5 and had not received by May 22. Called and got the "Oh, I thought she called you" bit. Not in stock and would take another month and a half. Can't speak for the racks but I can speak for the service.