How many dealers are in "your "City ?

Here is a list of equipment that can be bought in the Minneapolis ,MN area .
Speakers : Golden Ear,Martin Logan,NHT,Paradigm,B&W,Dynaudio,Vienna Acoustics,Zu Audio,Anthony Gallo,Linn,Magnepan,Sonus Fabre,Spendor,Vandersteen,Wilson Audio,and Thiel.
Bryston,Audio Research,Rogue Audio,Electrocompanient,McIntosh,Classe,Anthem,Rotel,Cambridge Audio,Atmasphere,Ayre,BelCanto,and NAD
Not all can be demoed. A few speakers and amps/preamps from each manufacturer can be heard .I would say 25% of a companies product line can be heard. Is this a normal situation in the U.S. ?? What is your city like ? Slim pickings !
Louisville, Ky. There is myself and a couple of video stores beside Best Buy etc. Another guy is suppose to be around but no one I know has seen him for a couple of years. Almost all the action is on Audiogon or even ebay. I don't sell new gear on there but do a lot of trading of gear for my own use. Retail is really dead here. I am not very active myself; could easily get back in but there is no demand. VPI has sent me one referral in 3 years and I never heard from them. Also gear is so high that inventory is almost prohibitive. I spend most of my time giving advice; some of which actually helps the recipient.
Maplegrove- Looks to me like you've got a pretty good range of product there.
I think it'd be pretty easy to find something among them that would make for a really good system. High-end audio shopping has been like this for a long time.In Detroit in the 80's there were only three or four audiophile retailers within a 20 mile radius from the first ring suburb where I grew up. BTW, I used to live in St.Paul and I really liked it and miss many things about living there. Alas, the 9 mos. of winter pushed me toward warmer climes.
San Francisco Bay Area-There are very few high-end dealers left that cater to audiophiles. There's Music Lover's, in Berkeley; Stereo Unlimited, in Walnut Creek; Audible Difference, in Palo Alto; a couple in San Francisco (city),
House of Music comes to mind. There are a few in the South Bay (San Jose), like The Analog Shop and Century Stereo. I
am sure that someone will add any that I left out. So, while it sounds like there are several around, there is a lot of driving in between. It's not like the old days when there was at least one in every city, sometimes more.