Any Caviar Fans Here?

It's New Years and my wife and I generally enjoy some caviar as an appetizer. I've been buying the American paddlefish caviar, which we greatly enjoy. This year I purchased some Sterling Royal, which is about $110 for 1.75 oz, which we're looking forward to trying. Never tried Russian or Iranian, which are much pricier. Any fans of fish eggs here? Where do you buy yours? Happy New Years to everyone, BTW.
I know this is an acquired taste, but YUCK. Yes, I have tried Caviar several times...still YUCK.
Oh yeah, both red and black. Never tried Iranian. Beluga caviar is the best. Happy New Year.
There are threads here about cars, watches and other stuff. I thought caviar might be a nice break from reading about latest and greatest $1000 DAC that trounces $10K players.
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