NYC expo waldorf astoria april 13-15 2012

I searched in the forum for any threads relating to this event and am surprised no one has mentioned it.
Any announcements as too exhibitors, lectures or demos. I read sound by singer will be there, who is that???
Is that why no one is bothering to start a thread?
The list of exhibitors include mbl, woo, vas, wilson, sceana, audio note, burmester, chord, vpi, dartzeel, berning, kef, pass, sound smith, tad, tron, verity, walker, and ME I'll be there.
Well if Andy is going, it must mean we are fully recovered from the recession. I will drop in for a day. Hoepfullly the rooms at the Waldorf will have better acoustics then the many glass boxes in the city. If VPI will be there it is a first. Hope Harry will attend.
Interesting...those manufacturers on that list were almost all at Salon Son & Image the last few years, and aren't on the list for the Salon this year...guess it was just a matter of time before New York put on a show and killed the Salon...
You mean Andy is fully recovered.
Too bad on other's dime(manufacturers)
What could be a good idea to spark some interest in the expo is have some sort of contest like who can find a non-audiophile friend that is so inspired that when they hear the demos they buy a mega system. And the friend gets half off or 50% which ever is less.
Or whoever brings the hottest date dressed in a bikini gets a prize, good thing we are having summer weather it should make it easier too persuade the sparse attire.
All lame ideas but we need something only 88 people viewed this thread and its only 3 weeks away.