Nasty slap echo

When i clap my hands it sounds like the ricochet sound from a WW2 documentary. I have panels on 1st reflection points but doesn't help. My room is 15x8x22, which are "supposed" to be good dimensions. I did have them drop the crown molding down 4 inches to put rope lighting up there. Was wondering if that is causing the problem. How harmful is this slap echo to the sound? Any suggestions?
Here they are again...
Pics came though for me.
Reminds me of when I was afforded a dedicated room after our last daughter left for college. The room was totally empty when I moved in, what an echo.
Timrhu,my first cd player was a RA cd50. What a great player...wish i still had it!
I'm not clear if the slap echo was there before you had the crown molding lowered or not.

A long time ago I remember walking downtown and entered a dome supported by columns (no walls). There was a slap echo as well that got worse the closer you got to the center. It could be the crown lowered molding can be at play here.

All the best,
I just looked at the picture of your room and I see why you have echo. The dropped crown molding is the least of your worries. ASC makes some absorbing panels that would work for the side walls. I would also try throwing some blankets over the leather chairs. Leather is a reflective surface that will cause additional problems.