
Okay, I've been out of the selling game for a number of years, so maybe I'm just not informed. However, I thought that paypal only charges 3% if a credit or debit card is used? If checking is used there are no transaction fees I thought. So why does EVERYONE on this site and Audio Asylum ask for extra money when using Paypal? This seems rather disingenuous to me. If you want to cover paypal charges then make if for when Paypal actually charges you, if you want to make a few extra bucks then raise your price. It just irks me. What am I missing? Are there charges I don't know about?
You already said you use nickles and dimes. Guess you spent your big bucks on acid. BTW morons don't retire at 49, if you think so name a couple hundred.
LOL Silcric,
I was only worried of your health and nothing else!
Switch to mary johanna so you'll become more liberal. Been usin' it for quite a number of years myself, now managed to get a 'green card'(prescription) in Portland due to the chronic insomnia and feel OK physically and mentally. The guy or girl with joint in the hand will less-likely draw a gun and fire at someone. That proves why Oregon and especially Portland with chronically depressed population welcomed that beloved green 'lady'. If same would've happened in NYC, maybe there wouldn't be the deadly shooting from laid off depressed individual.
"Switch to mary johanna so you'll become more liberal. Been usin' it for quite a number of years myself, now managed to get a 'green card'(prescription) in Portland"..... (Marakanetz)

Just this morning, (for the 1000th time), I was thinking about moving to OR. Now I have another reason! (Actually, I still haven't been to Portland OR, but visited Seattle years ago & loved it, & all of the Pacific NW I saw).

As far as LSD, let's just say that I went to college in the early 1970's. And I think a lot of the truly uptight people in this country would benefit from a few good "acid trips". Oh, & listening to Bach.....hard to imagine that listening to well recorded Bach could be improved on, but.....

As far as the 3% PP fee, whether you're a buyer, or seller, just figure out the bottom line of what you're willing to pay, or get, & try to negotiate. Last items I bought on A*gon, Totem Mani 2's, seller wanted 3%, I offered to pay half the fee, he accepted, & frankly they were a bargain either way......
I voted for Obama, and will again-what's it to you. And while I'm at it, WTF do you mean to imply by citing David Duke? Your idea of a joke?