Vendors Who Post

There are a number of vendors who post to Audiogon discussion threads. I think we can fairly assume that all of them have disclosed that there are in fact vendors and are not hiding this important fact. In my experience, most vendors are very helpful here and do not attempt to primarily use the threads as a marketing tool to solicit customers. They use the threads to give useful information pertaining to their products, to clear up misunderstandings about their products and to correct misperceptions about their products. Most vendors post in a professional way with an appropriate tone. But, alas, there are some vendors who are less professional than others on these forums, in my opinion. How do you feel about the vendors who post here?
I find it hard to believe these vendors have nothing better to do, so they visit this forum. It's all marketing. They are either marketing their product or marketing theirselves. Many folks may think it's ok, I think it is inappropriate. Vendors should advertise in the proper manner.
'To better service the users/customers, Audiogon needs better controls in general to help control misinformation and/or nonsense'

That would certainly cull the herd!! I could end up talking to myself!!
Everyone has an agenda. Whether good or bad.
Some are worse than others, and some get the reputation of troll.
Some just waste time offeringwhat the hope is reasonable advice, andtry to do it with a bit of humor. me?
Some are the grammar police. Some thought police..
Who cares. EVERY post is a possible fraud. And only the reader can decide.
The internet is totally the old wild west. Anything goes shoot em' up.
At least some rules have been in place at most sites, but really, everything anyone, no matter who, must be scrutinized carefully as to: "is this good advice?" "Can they be trusted on this?"

Any other attitude is likey to fail.

The internet is really a bad place for stupid people to try to learn anything.
I've no objection, as long as they identify themselves, and don't run down other products.

Most of the professionals here are also hobbyists, often among the most experienced here, and I value their perspective. Peter, Duke (who seems quiet lately), Steve N. are a few that come to mind.
