What deserves more attention on Audiogon?

There are some current lines and products that get a lot of buzz here on Audiogon and others that are well known otherwise that do not.

Klipsch (other than current Heritage line) and KEF are two examples. These seem to have more of an A/V focus these days, but how do these and other more well known product lines that are popular elsewhere but do not get a lot of buzz here on Audiogon really stack up sound wise?

Anyone finding any great performers that are popular elsewhere but not on A'gon worth sharing that might not get much love here otherwise?

If you have heard some underdog product that you think can compete with the more common "high end" type products here, please indicate what you have heard or read that makes you think so.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xmapman
Almost all of the talk about gear on this site is driven by MSRP. Nothing more. If it cost more, it's better. And of course, we have the always present, knee jerk bashers of moderately priced gear. I think this limits the appeal of this site and will eventually cause it's demise.
DB Labs Tranquility Dacs
For years i was using the same cd,dvd player and different dacs. I finally figured out what was making my system bright after buying a tranquility dac . Wish i would have stumbled upon it years ago. I always thought it was my amp or pre or cables that i was unhappy about .Anyone who thinks their speakers are bright oughta check them out ! Google search them !
JBL, best of the best. Not quite sure why yet but I'll find out when I get my 4345s finally built. Nothing compares to the build quality of their drivers. There is no higher ultimate. Never paid much attention to them in the past, being a B&W/KEF fan for 35 years. My loss.
Diana Krall will always get more attention than Barbara Dennerlain, but it doesen't mean tha she's better musician.
FWIW I recently auditioned over twenty floor standing speakers. Most of them the highly touted names on this site. Example SF PSB AZ B&W TOTEM DEVORE MAGGIE VANDERSTEEN PARADIGM ECT. Bottom line a pair of KEF R900 won out. I would have never even considered these if one of the dealers did not have them on hand. Oh and many may think they are HT. I have set up my front end preamp amp and cables and the sound is fantastic. BTW I compared speakers over 10k the only ones that thought were worthy Joseph audio Perspectives.
