A clue for the clueless

If you are going to use the Auction route to sell your item, do not list it with a reserve at or near the normal sales price. Hello...an auction means you will let the market decide. Sure, put a reserve on it, but that should be a low safety net price, not full value.

Man I see this often. Some clueless person lists their item for auction starting at $0. It gets tons of bids, but never gets past the reserve. Figure it out people. That's not an auction, now is it. If you want top dollar, list it as a regular classified and then wait 6 months for the perfect buyer. Sheesh!
Jax and Dick got it right. Sometimes I'm amazed at some listings where they use someone else's pictures or stock pictures. Also too how some sellers just use 1 picture or none at all is amazing to me. Pretty much every phone has a camera today that is quite good. A'gon also includes 3 or 4 pics at no charge. People should take advantage of that.

My other peeve are the one line descriptions. I'm not saying write a 15 page essay but some basic details would be enough.
An addition peeve about pictures in ads -- why bother to take pictures and then post them without rotating them to the proper vertical or horizontal orientation? It seems to happen amazingly often so I should be used to it and yet every time I see a vertical picture lying on its side it drives me nuts.
THe issues raised, when they are present in an ad.. allow folks to spot the idiots. Why do you guys want the idiots to fix the stupid problems? Then if they fix those issues you will no longer know right off you are dealing with an idiot.
I say let them create the ad or auction any way they want. Then one can see right off: "this seller is an idiot". and pass on by. If you got the idiots to make their ads or auctions seem great, and only later during a purchse discover the seller is an idiot.. isn't that a lot worse?
That is my take on the issues discussed.
Elizabeth is right men. My plan WAS to draw pictures of my amps using crayons. But now I got the clue; and you’ll have to read my forum posts to find out that I’m an idiot.
Realizing you are an idiot is the first step of a 12-step program...I am on step 3.

I have a question for the OP, or anyone else who knows, is the originator of an auction allowed to accept the high bid, even if it doesn't meet their reserve?