XLR & RCA caps

Does anyone use caps on the unused inputs and outputs of your components? can you hear a difference? does anyone use products like audioquests XLR caps? http://www.audioquest.com/audio-enhancements/xlr-noise-stopper-caps
Agree with the above. I have used the Cardas RCA and XLR caps for years, (ever since they have been available).
Agree as well. I use Cardas rca and xlr caps. Can't say I hear a difference but like the fact that dust does not get in these openings of my pre and cdp. This is a tweak to buy when you are in the mood to tweak, don't want to spend alot or be disappointed if the tweak does not improve your sound.
I have the cardas caps on rca females on my pre-amps; no change in sound I can detect
Same for me. I have some rubber Neutrik ones I threw in to make up an elecronics order.

That being said, if I could see them from the front, I might go for something expensive.
After reading the responses, I'm going to look into these caps. Elizabeths comments on how the video images improved goes great lengths to show that though our ears may play tricks on us, our "lying eyes" can discern things more easily and is repeatable.

If video images improve with these, then there has to be something going on with these RCA inputs acting as conduits, of sorts, to some kind of interference which play havoc with the sound.

All the best,