Best 6922 or variant for Conrad-Johnson 16LS ?

Hello all,
I'm looking for 3 matched pairs of 6922's or variants for my CJ 16LS pre-amp. Right now I have the stock tubes and am curious of what NOS tubes may improve the sound. Amps are CJ Premier 12 monoblocks with B&W N802's.

Do you have a MK I LS16 or a MK II. I have the MK I and am thinking of upgrading. Is the upgrade worth the $500.00?


You hit the nail on the head with the graininess. I would love to remedy that. Does the Mullard give bass response as good as the Tunsgram? Thanks for your advise, Steve.
I am using the VALVO ECC88 NOS from West Germany. These tubes sound wonderful with the CJ 16LS. I enjoyed them so much I purchased fifty of them from Sonic Frontier at $30.00 each. If anyone needs them I can sell a few sets of six. Edward

The Mullard is a great tube and is no slouch, but the bass is not up to the Tungsram in my opinion. The tungsrams bass is top notch. This may be due to the fact that the tube is a little laid back in my system. Has a great balanced presentation, but it's one flaw is that it can sound a little too warm in my system. I have Premier 16LS, Premier 8A's, Sony X7ESD which I use as a transport only, a Dodson DA-217 MK II D, Eggleston Andras. All cabling is Cardas Golden Reference. The Mullards seem to have a little more sparkle and the classic Mullard midrange. To tell the truth I interchange both depending on my mood.

Hope this helps,

Edward, can you describe the sound the Valvo delivers?
Johnny, No it doesn't I want them both and thats more money j/k. I'm trying to track down the Tungsgram. I tried the link above and they are out. However they do have Brimars. Do you know if they are the same as the Mullards?
