My quest: an integrated with great imaging. Help

My listening room is also my family room, so the WAF dictates that I do a neat installation with the fewest components possible. Currently I'm using a Sim Audio I-5 integrated which seems to be excellent. However, I often wonder if another brand/model will do the 3-D thing even better...imaging is first on my personal list of attributes. Can you suggest an integrated that I should listen to? My requirements include a remote control (volume control would be adequate); it could be tube or solid state. My speakers are Tyler Linbrook Monitors with 90 - 92 dB efficiency and I sit about 10' from each. I usually play classical, pop vocal, show music, nothing harder than Dire Straits at "moderately loud" levels. Thank you.
pendragn: the imaging quality you seek from your system is likely to be affected much more by the constraints of your listening environment and the placement of your speakers than it is by the electronics you use. nonetheless, you may find a more pleasing sound by using a tubed integrated with your quite efficient speakers. among this variety i recommend you listen to the pathos twin towers. this unit is also superbly styled adding, IMO, to a higher probable positioning on the WAF scale. -cfb
I'm with Cornfedboy on this one. The Twin Towers is a very nice piece of equipment. And, I'm a firm believer in the magic of tubes. However, you already have a really good integrated with the Moon. You don't mention what ic's or speaker cables you are using. That might (or might not--depending on what you are already using) be a more cost effective way to upgrade. You also don't mention what you are using for a source, and unless it's already top notch, that will definitely make a difference. So, unless everything else is already sota, I would keep the Linbrooks and the Moon and look at the rest of the system.
i would check out the new YBA Passion Integre ($4500). 100 wpc w/ remote. i really like YBA stuff...great quality and great sound. i was very impressed with a YBA 1 amplifier that i demoed. VERY good imaging and pretty deep soundstage. the YBA is the most tubey SS stuff i've heard.

i haven't heard the new YBA integrated yet (it's just out) but i bet it's gonna be nice.
