5 ch amp decision- opinions please

In upgrading my HTS I am trying to decide on a new power amplifier-

It has come down to these-

Anthem MCA-5
EAD Powermaster 1000
Parasound HCA 2205A
Sunfire Cinema Grand serII

I use my system about 50/50 music/theater, so musical performance is important.

Any opinions about how these compare? All dealers usually only carry one line, so I haven't had the chance to do a controlled comparison.

Rest of components:

Fronts- Proac Response 1.5s
Center- Proac center channel
Surrounds- JM lab 905
Processer B&K Ref 30 (thinking about going to Anthem AVM20)
Hate to add yet another choice instead of responding to your list, but the Aragon 8008x5 is a great amp for the price, but it is huge (107 lbs.). I know there is a used one on EBay that should go for a little over $2k.

I bought one for that price a few months ago.
I have my 2 channel Stereo and Home theater seperated and I'm using a pair of the 3 channel amp Parasound HCA-2003A and it just makes my Monitor Audio Silver Series Speakers Sing.Like you I'm also using the B&K ref 30 for processing.
If I'm to buy a multi channel amp now I would go with the 7 channels amps as most of the new sound formats in home theater needs 7.1 channels. Sorry to add to your confusion.
I had three Citation 7.1's in my HT before the EAD Powermaster 2000. With out a doubt the EAD is quicker, more detailed more exciting and much closer to Class A two channel than the Citations. I was ready to toss the theater prior to getting the EAD. It certainly doesn't have the slam of the Levinson 335 in my 2 channel, but it's overall tonality, clarity and detail is exciting, but not fatiguing.

Good luck,

Bill E.
I second sdcampbell's suggestion on the Bryston 9B. I have one in my system, and find it oustanding for movies and critical music listening.
Hello, I agree with Sdcampbell and Rsuminsby. If your your budget allows you to the 9B is an excellent amp. I owned one for 1 year. I upgraded to the Proceed Amp 5. I believe the Amp 5 is probably the best no holds barred 5 channel amplifier for both movies and music. It drives my nautilus 802's effortlessly. Paul