buying a stereo for my 16 yr. old

Anyone familiar with the teac reference series, the small gold faced little separates? The price seems to be dropping like a rock on this stuff and I was wondering if there was a good reason. Any input would be appreciated . Thanks.
A friend has the integrated it's pretty good. Lucky 16 yr. old ! I would look into the Swans powered monitors at or Which sound amazing for $299 and very fexible use with portable cd , dvd player or uhhg even a computer. The speakers that go along with all the other mini systems are crap. The little Denon with the mission speakers is the best of the lot. Have Fun
If you want cool check out Nakamichi Soundspace 8 that goes for about $1100. It has a subwoofer with satellite tweeters and a cd changer that holds 5 cd's. It is the coolest looking thing around and sure to appeal to a teenager.
Tell them to buy their own stuff, they will apprecite it much more :D. trust me i know, am around that age and have worked for a just over 2 grand system. Still going up of course. If they are really interested in the hobby, i would consider something like that, but if he/she only cares about something that will play music im sure anything with a remote and a cdp will do, and just think thats just that much more you can spend. :D

Happy Listening
I'm slowly assembling a system for my 11 year old daughter. A friend that owns a pawn shop acquired a NM Dynaco 70 and a Denon CD Player which he sold to me for $140.00. I have a custom built passive and an old tube Harmon Kardon tuner that aren't in use and bought a ART Di/O which is getting the complete set of mods for $130.00. Another friend has a pair of Vandersteen 1's that he isn't using and has considered selling them to somewhat complete the system.

It won't be the best sound, but I'm sure that she'll enjoy it, and it should bring years of service.
wino: reason it's "dropping like a rock" (just a guess) is nobody seems to have a yen for it. -cfb