Well, another pre-amp & HT integration question...

I think I've managed to confuse myself. By adding a tube PA with a unity gain processor loop into my system I'll end up with the following signal path, right?

Digital Transport (Proceed PMDT) ---> DAC/HT Processor (Proceed AVP) ---> Tube Pre (TBD)---> Front 2-Channel Amp ---> Front R & L speakers

So even with a unity gain loop to bypass the PA when doing HT, won't I still have to futz around with both volume controls (AVP & PA) when listening normal 2-channel music through the tube pre-amp via the analog output of the AVP?

Thanks again,

Hi Thomas
Just seen you new Post and I am not up on what the Proceed AVP will do, so can not help much there. But the last post connection should work on most systems.

Hope my last post will help. But not sure why you would run the 2 channel source to the AVP at all. Go straight to the Pre-Amp inputs with your analog outputs from the player or the DAC which ever you use.

For me I wanted the Tube Pre-Amp sound for 2 Channel. Again to me both the Audio Research and the Conrad Johnson is so much more musical than my Lexicon MC-1 that I want to remove the Lexicon out of the 2 channel mode. I also did not want to have to switch the interconnects each time. With the above the surround processor is removed from the system allowing total control of the 2 channel from start to end with only the 2 channel system in line.
Thanks for all your input. It's much appreciated. Here's the way my system works and why I'm having the questions:

Source - Proceed PMDT, this is a DVD/CD transport, digital output only with cards for progressive scan video output. It also acts as a video switcher to take in output from other video devices and translate them also to 480p output. Sounds great with redbook CD. So all source material goes through this unit.

DAC/HT Processor/Pre-amp - Proceed AVP, this does everything, D/A conversion, surround sound, normal pre-amp functions.

So to add a regular two channel pre-amp, it has to come into the path after the AVP in order to receive an analog signal. The source for DVD home theater and 2-channel CD is the _same_. Thus, the conundrum with how to isolate the control functions of the AVP while still using it as a DAC to send analog output to the proposed tube pre-amp.

It can be done, it's just how tedious and how much signal degradation will be involved. If only I has the space and $$ for two complete systems...


I can't fathom the benefit of running out of the AVP to yet another preamp. You don't need any more gain, nor input switching. I'd think you'd either do something in lieu of the AVP or call it a day.
Sorry, this thread is a continuation of an earlier one. The goal was to integrate a tube pre-amp into the system for use when listening to 2-channel music. This would be followed by tube monoblocks for my front R & L speakers.

I like the tube sound but only have space for a single system that has to do double duty between HT and music.

Here... I have the exact setup with the exception that my pre-amp is a Mark levinson 380S


The PMDT Transport has multipule digital outs, the AES/EBU goes to my DAC (soon the BE ML 36S) and I also have a Ensemble Digiflux BNC going to the AVP.

The AVP main Left right go to the ML 380S pre-amp as it has a unity gain called SSP this is specifically made for this reason, to incorporate HT in a 2 CHN environment.

My PMDT by-Passes the AVP and goes directly to the ML380S when I listen to CDs.

Can't ask for a better setup
