Switchable Tetrode - Triode please explain

I am using a VTL ST-150 which is switchable from 175 watts tetrode to 80 watts triode . Can anyone please explain the pluses and minuses of these two modes ? Thanks!
why do you have to power down to switch? i can switch mine back and forth without missing a beat. triode is less rated power but i have found it to sound even more powerful than tetrode.
I agree with Kirk930. I have found that triode mode, even though it has less actual rated power, generally sounds more dynamic than a tetrode. It is similar to the way a 300B triode at 7W can sound more dynamic than a 35W push-pull.

I listen to mostly symphonic works and find my 7W Amp more than dynamic enough with my speakers (91db)

If I do not power down the amps I can hear and see how speaker drivers are poppin'.
just don't like to have my speaker blown. even when I place a cartridge needle on the groves I do mute my phono before.
The System I am using ...
CJ Premier 14
Linn Lp-12 with lingo , Grado
Sonic frontiers SFCD1
Aerial 10T 's

I listen to Pop rock , Jazz , Blues and Classic rock. I like to play mostly at concert levels !
I think the Tetrode mode produces more forceful bass and is a little more lively. Powering down as per VTL does make it more difficult to compare. I like the VTL amp very much! I just think the explaination of this issue on the VTL web site is weak.
I find myself about to write what Piezo described so I ditto his excellent description... I also find triode (I use VTL 450s) to be lush, exuding a luxuriant 'thereness' and beautiful instrument separation - particularly notable in massed strings, and choral works where individual voices both make up the group and somehow seek to escape it. On SACD, triode can be downright scary. I appreciate tetrode however for 'live' rock music played at 'concert' SPLs, where it seems to better convey the sense of being too close to the stage for one's own good. I used both modes evenly at first but use it in triode most of the time now - more shivers and stupid grins (though tetrode on music with BIG dynamics can leave me breathless).

Piezo, have you used a different preamp with your system? Do you find the 5.5 affects your choice of use of triode or tetrode? Would you recommend it (or another preamp)? I use a passive attenuator and wonder if that is one reason why I lean to triode so much...